Black Boys Academy

Black boys walking down school hall

In 2017, Total Faith Development (TFD) became aware of the educational challenges facing African American students in the Rockford School District 205 (RPS205).  With the support and leadership of Reverend Steve Cossey, former Pastor of TFCC and a Rockford School District retiree, TFD was able to help the school district redirect and engage many African American male students back into the classroom through mentorship at West Middle School. This experience led to our decision to offer the resources of the church to support the needs of other children and families throughout the city.

Current regional and local data reveal that African American children and families have some of the greatest needs for help and support in all areas surveyed.  From this data TFD concludes that supporting them would yield the most effective outcomes based on available talents and resources.  Total Faith Development currently partners with RPS205 to support this effort by providing a Mentor Program for 4th and 5th grade boys at Ellis Elementary School, waiving all fees or charges to RPS205. Our intent is also to provide mentoring services to parents of school age children.